Thursday, March 31, 2022

Q1 MomStar WongStar Update: Ebbs and Flows

It’s the last day of March, which means we are a quarter of the way through 2022 already! It’s not my usual blogging day, but I realized I could salvage my broken blogging streak and at least have 3 March posts to add to the 3 in February and 4 in January. Not terrible for a retired/un-retired blogger!

After my epic 23-miler, I was starting to finally feel like I was getting into the groove again, running 3 times per week, when BOOM another daycare cold (or series of colds) hit me and baby girl. She likes to make those cute little coughs RIGHT INTO MY FACE so it is hard to avoid her germs.

It’s hard to be mad when she’s
so stinkin’ cute

Suffice it to say, my original training thoughts I formulated back in December for the first couple races of the season have already gotten thrown out the window. I didn’t end up signing up for the half marathon, partially because I couldn’t justify paying $100 to run 13 miles through my neighborhood when I had just run 23 for free (well, for the price of a boba drink). It made me realize that I am, in fact, intrinsically motivated. I don’t need to sign up for races to be motivated to run, I don’t need the swag and medal (already way too many race shirts and medals), and I definitely wasn’t in PR shape. I’d consider it if I felt I could PR or have a shot at going under 1:30 (I think my PR is a 1:32? I honestly can’t remember). 

We had fun cheering for the runners
during our morning walk instead!

Next up, the Bear Triathlon is in 6 weeks, my bike is still at the shop and I haven’t gotten in the pool yet. The weather has been super strange where we go from winter to spring to summer to winter and I definitely don’t get the itch to swim or bike when the weather is gross! Haha, see previous post on being a “fair weather” triathlete. Yesterday morning was in the low 20’s. This morning is in the 50’s. WTF?!

So I may be pivoting my season opener to be a local trail race. TBD. I don’t like to commit until I’ve had more consistent training and tend to sign up for most races last minute as #MomLife can be unpredictable and I’m willing to pay a premium for the higher cost (race fees generally go up as the race gets closer) rather than sign up for a bunch of things early and then no-show.

Hugs, love, and cooties
for everyone!

Stay tuned! I also have enough training ADHD that I’ve found I like to space out races about 6-8 weeks apart, because I can typically focus for about that many weeks before getting distracted or losing momentum. Daycare germs notwithstanding.

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