Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Confessions of a 40yo Working Triathlete Mom

1. I haven't biked in over 6 months. That was when I did the Dewey Beach Sprint Triathlon (September 18th), and I didn't bother getting my race wheels swapped out back to training wheels (I can do the wheel swap myself, but my BMC bike frame is aerodynamically awesome which means also very weird--switching out the brake pads is a PITA). I did finally drop my bike off at our local bike shop (Wooden Wheels) so I will probably not be starting my weekly ride this month as originally planned.

Rocking the shirt from the 2017
Dewey Beach Tri

I have also become that fair-weather triathlete that doesn't bike or swim until the weather is nice! I haven't been wanting to get on the trainer to ride, and I don't like to swim unless I'm training for something. Ha!

2. I go to bed way too late. I know sleep is good for you and I need to sleep more...but sometimes the only time you have "me time" is when everyone else in the household is asleep! I have tried to think of my bedtime as an Ironman PR, where "breaking 10" is going to bed before 10pm, and somehow that doesn't help at all. I did go to bed at 9:50 last night! That was really early for me but it should be standard.

3. I don't actually work 40 hours a week. I'm now at 29 hours (technically straddling that part-time/full-time bubble) as that seems to be the sweet spot after returning to work from maternity leave just over a year ago (March 2nd of last year). It took a while to figure out that sweet spot. I don't want to give the illusion that I have figured out how to "do it all" or "have it all" because that only makes other moms feel bad if they can't balance it all. Balancing it all without help, or without cutting back in other parts of your life, is a lie.

4. I've been asked by several people recently if I would "go pro again" since retiring in 2011, but in the past year after becoming a mom it's popped up numerous times in conversations or interviews. It's very flattering but also makes me laugh. The short answer is "no", the long answer--you will have to wait for my next podcast interview. ;)

5. I love my kid but I have zero mom guilt dropping her off at daycare on Mondays when I don't work. (See note above about having "me time".) We pay for full-time daycare anyway, and no, there's not a part-time option unless you find a family whose schedule is the EXACT opposite of yours. I used to feel a little guilty dropping her off in my workout clothes (like if I was about to go on a long bike ride) and had actually considered putting on my work clothes to drop her off, before I realized how silly that was.

Plus, they send the cutest and happiest pictures of her through the daycare app, so she is obviously having a blast with her friends there!

With a smile like this,
who wouldn't want to go to daycare?!

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