Rebecca Preston: for being my friend, mentor, and former coach. For continuing to guide me in training (and LIFE) as my #1 consultant!
My bosses and coworkers at Independence Prosthetics-Orthotics for being a great and supportive company to work for, and work with!
The Delaware Swim & Fitness TriDawgs, my local triathlon club that I've been training and racing with. Thank you guys for helping me learn to enjoy and appreciate triathlon again in a no-pressure setting!
Haamonii Shochu for believing in me and becoming my first individual sponsor. You guys gave me triathlon superstar street cred! Not many pro triathletes have their own liquor sponsor :)
Mac, Randy, and John at The Bike Boutique in downtown Wilmington--thanks for still helping me out even after I turned in my pro license!
To the Fan Club (family, friends, and strangers alike), without you I'd never have reached superstar status. I'm humbled by the amount of people who have read my blog, sent me fan letters, cheered for me at races and recognized me in the most random of places. Special thanks to all the homestays that have taken me in, helping a broke-ass pro triathlete race around the world. Thank you SO MUCH!
And a heartfelt thanks to everyone that has ever sponsored me, including the product sponsors from my pro days--I still use a bunch of this stuff!