Happy new year! Do we need a 2021 recap? I feel like not really. But okay, here’s a short one… it was basically our first year as parents, and we survived! And Ainsley thrived! That’s all we could ever hope for, right?
Like I mentioned in my “turning 40” post that jump-started this weekly blogging streak, I’m now looking to get back to some athletic adventures again after a year of focusing on keeping the tiny human alive. I’m trying to maintain a sense of identity in motherhood (getting back to blogging has actually helped this!) and you don’t just go from being a crazy fit endurance athlete to not doing very much without feeling like you don’t know who you are any more.
Two of my major goals this year are:
1. Declutter our whole house, à la Dana K White (Decluttering at the Speed of Life), because Marie Kondo didn’t exactly work. (That was #18 on my “19 in 2019” list actually. It’s hard to execute when everything sparks joy…! HAHA!)
2. Kick ass at the JFK 50-miler in November.
Since I have had success getting back into the weekly blogging habit (this will be 6 for 6! Thank you Taryn for being my accountability blogging buddy every #newblogtuesday and die-hard Wongstar blog fan!) I have decided the way to go about having a great year is to establish weekly habits.
Weekly habits/goals:
—donate 1 box of stuff each week, no matter how big or small
—1 treadmill run per week (mid-week, because weekends are easy but weekdays are harder)
—1 date night per week
—1 family outing per week
—update BLOG each Tuesday!
I already posted my 2022 race schedule intentions, and this may shift and change. I spent 2018 focused on training for ultramarathons and it really bit me in the butt. I spectacularly burnt out and got injured doing ultra training 10+ months in a row, running 99% of the time without a specific goal race. JFK 50 in 2018 was actually my goal race, but by the time November rolled around, I was DONE.
I attribute it partially to hiring a coach who was not a great listener at what my needs were, but I also should have known better and listened to my gut on many occasions. I know myself as an athlete, and I had transitioned to triathlons over TWENTY YEARS AGO because my body can’t handle being strictly a runner. I take a generous off season because my body and mind need that downtime. I got caught up in hiring a fancy ultramarathon coach who had an impressive list of elite runners. It just didn’t work for me.
I ran my first JFK 50 in 2016 coaching myself and did surprisingly well, so I’m going to trust my instincts this time, go back to coaching myself, and get fit over the summer by triathlon training (you know, what the runners call “cross training”).
Celebrating 1 year of parenthood! And Ainsley. |
We did get a treadmill right around Ainsley’s birthday—I consider it a gift to ourselves for making it to a year of parenthood, haha! I feel like it’s pretty critical in how to fit training back into mom life during the work week, and it’s definitely been working so far.
Here are some cute Christmas pajama pics to close out 2021! Looking forward to an even better 2022!
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